The CPM Bureau held its seventh virtual meeting on 30 June 2022

Posted on Fri, 01 Jul 2022, 08:56

Rome, 30 June 2022 – The CPM Bureau held its seventh virtual meeting, discussing the advancement of the IPPC work plan as well as decisions emerging from CPM-16 (2022). The IPPC Secretariat provided updates to the CPM Bureau regarding the status of the CPM Focus Group on food and other humanitarian aid, as well as the CPM Focus Group on sea containers. Both CPM Focus Groups are still accepting nominations from IPPC contracting parties and relevant stakeholders for another 15 days.

The CPM Bureau had the opportunity to discuss the draft provisional agenda of the next Strategic Planning Group meeting that will take place in-presence on 24-26 October 2022. The Italian Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forest Policies has offered to host the first in-presence CPM Bureau meeting from 17-21 October, for which the CPM Chairperson and IPPC Secretary expressed gratitude.

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