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IPPC Implementation and Capacity Development Committee presents its remarkable achievements

Posted on Thu, 07 Apr 2022, 09:03

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Rome, 7 April 2022. The Implementation and Capacity Development Committee (IC) of the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) presented today its key achievements at the sixteenth session of the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM-16).

In 2021, the IC held eight virtual meetings and continued its work on priority topics in the area of implementation and capacity development (ICD), particularly in advancing the development of IPPC guides and training materials. The IC also continued to coordinate the work of the IC Subgroups and IC Teams while providing guidance on implementing ICD projects.

Global experts, participating in various working groups, developed three new IPPC guides in 2021. The new guides provide information on three key topics: pest status determination, surveillance and fall armyworm prevention. The pest status and surveillance guides were launched during a webinar in October 2021, attracting a total of 354 participants from 77 countries. Webinar participants highlighted the value and usability of these guides and confirmed that they planned to use these guides themselves or share them with colleagues following the webinar. Three new IPPC guides, on ISPM 15, e-commerce, and contingency planning are set to be published in 2022. In addition, four new e-learning courses are being developed on pest risk analysis, export certification, inspection, and surveillance.

In 2021, three virtual meetings were held by the IC Sub-group on the Implementation Review and Support System (IRSS). It also conducted six studies that will be published in 2022, added e-Commerce in the IRSS list of topics, and conducted an analysis on the options to transition IRSS to a more sustainable system after project funding ends in May 2022.

Following the end of its mandate in December 2021, the IC Sub-group on Sea Containers Task Force (SCTF) presented its final report and recommendations to the IC, which were then noted by the CPM in the recently held session. The CPM also noted the formation of a CPM Focus Group on Sea Containers and its Terms of Reference.

The IC Team on National Reporting Organizations (NROs) organized six meetings to provide guidance on NROs and facilitate the implementation of the 2021 NROs work plan. The IPPC Secretariat provided direct assistance to IPPC contact points to reduce IT barriers, particularly in managing their information on the International Phytosanitary Portal (IPP), revising the architectural structure of the IPP to handle large numbers of users and data, and advising IPPC contact points on legal matters in managing their data on the IPP.

Furthermore, an IPPC e-Commerce Guide is set to be published in 2022. A webpage on e-Commerce systems was launched in March 2021, linking all relevant ISPMs, CPM recommendations and IPPC guides and contributed resources in one place. The IC Team on e-Commerce continues to strengthen collaboration with the World Customs Organization, the Universal Postal Union and the International Seed Federation in relation to e-Commerce and phytosanitary risks associated with mail and courier pathways.

A revised Framework for Standards and Implementation was also presented at the CPM. The revised framework aims to streamline the process in compiling and maintaining the framework, enhancing its usability and reducing cost.

The CPM thanked the IC and noted that its contribution has been instrumental in making significant progress on issues related to implementation and capacity development. This has been possible through the support and guidance of the IC Sub-groups and IC Teams.

“We have seen the results of the IC’s work that has resulted in improved implementation of the IPPC and international standards and in building the capacity of contracting parties through numerous projects, webinars and other activities,” said Dominique Pelletier, IC Chair. “We commend the IC members’ and the IPPC Secretariat, particularly the Implementation and Facilitation Unit’s dedication and thank them for their selfless contributions,” he concluded.

Related information:

Report Implementation and Capacity Development Committee, CPM-16

Sea Containers Task Force

Proposed establishment and draft TOR CPM Focus Group on Sea Containers

Implementation, Review and Support System – Options for transitioning to more sustainable system

Summary of the NRO 2021 activities and 2022 work plan

Framework for Standards and Implementation…..